Rules and Regulations

Landfall Announcements

Here you can find information about the 2022 Atlantic Basin tropical storm season, including a list of Qualifying Atlantic Landfalls (QALs).

Please refer to this page for updates related to Atlantic Named Storm Landfall Swaps (ANSLS) Contract settlements, as determined by occurrence of a QAL. If a QAL occurs1, details will be provided for any related ANSLS contract currently listed for trading.

Note: Trading for the 2022 Atlantic Hurricane Season started July 1, 2022.


2022 Qualifying Atlantic Landfall (QAL) Summary

ANSLS Contract Storm Name QAL Date and Time QAL Location (Lat./Lon.) Dates Storm Active
 WXANSLS22A  Alex N/A* N/A* June 5-6
 WXANSLS22B  Bonnie No Landfall N/A July 1-2
 WXANSLS22C  Colin No Landfall N/A July 1-2
 WXANSLS22D  Danielle No Landfall N/A September 1-8
 WXANSLS22E  Earl No Landfall N/A September 2-10
 WXANSLS22F  Fiona No Landfall N/A September 14-23
 WXANSLS22G  Gaston No Landfall N/A September 20-25
 WXANSLS22H  Hermine No Landfall N/A September 23-24

1)  9/28/2022 at 3:10 PM ET

2)  9/30/2022 at 2:15 PM ET

1)  26.7N 82.2W

2)  33.3N 79.2W

September 23-30
WXANSLS22J  Julia No Landfall N/A October 7-9
WXANSLS22K  Karl No Landfall N/A October 11-14
WXANSLS22L  Lisa No Landfall N/A October 31 – November 5
WXANSLS22M  Martin No Landfall N/A November 1-3
WXANSLS22N  Nicole 11/10/2022 at 3:00 AM ET 27.6N 80.4W November 7-11
WXANSLS22O  Owen No Landfall N/A N/A (storm never formed)

*Tropical Storm Alex formed before the start of trading for the ANSLS contract on CX for the 2022 Atlantic Tropical Storm Season. For this reason, the ANSLS contract for this storm was not tradable on CX for the 2022 season.

All landfall information is confirmed with the NOAA National Hurricane Center (NHC).


Archives of prior years’ storms: 2021, 2020,  2019,  2018